You are on your way to a virtual funeral monument for the Lemmens-Mesters family from Heerlen, the Netherlands.
My parents, older brother and younger sister deceased, I am the only one left.
To remember the time we lived together in Heerlen, I created this site.
At first I had the intention to found a familygrave in Heerlen.
But this was difficult to realise. It costs a huge amount of money and I seriously asked myself who was actually going to visit this familygrave.
So I got the idea to create this website. A lot easier to access for everybody without regarding travellingdistance and time.
And a lot more possibilities to share pictures, remembrances, and stories.
The caption is always positioned BELOW the image it applies to.
All pictures are scanned at 150 dpi.
On request I can make high resolution scans for printing purposes.
The presentation of the pictures is not always chronological.
This site is composed with all due respect to the deceased and their relatives.
If you feel like responding, you can use the e-mail button or
leave a message in the guestbook.
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